Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Strikes! Protests! Flooding! Oh my!

I should be careful what I write. Bored, Andy? Not enough going on? Here's some action: Austerity protests! Strikes! No buses! Roads closed! Traffic at a standstill!

Washington Post article on strikes, with video and slideshow.

New York Times article on strikes.

Still not enough? No problem! Have some thunderstorms! Nonstop rain! Flooding! The Tevere River rising about 10 meters in 24 hours!

CBS video on Rome flooding.

Star article on Rome flooding.

No locusts, but we have an infestation that's pretty darn close: Starlings! Every evening for the past 3 weeks, the blackbirds swarm by the tens of thousands to the Tevere. Yes, the birds look gorgeous as they fly through the air. Flocks resemble schools of fish as they cut instantaneous 90-degree turns. But we've had to walk through so much bird poop. We've both been air-bombed on multiple occasions. And the smell! Ghastly.

Anyway, it's funny how quickly things happen around here. A few days ago we were enjoying a relaxing retreat in Tuscany. Different environment today.

1 comment:

  1. So interesting! We have experienced starling infestations too. They make us cough and wheeze.
    It will be wonderful to bei in Oregon for Christmas.
