Saturday, January 19, 2013

Party time

Met up with our Gaelic football friends last night. The captain of the women's team was celebrating her birthday, so we all discovered the other Irish pastime: drinking! What a great mix: Italians, Irish, English, Belgians. Good, clean fun, for the most part. The shenanigans were down in Acilia, southwest of Rome by the airport. We missed the last train, but caught a night bus back. Yet another benefit of public transportation!

Today we are taking it easy. I have work to do, since I'm going full-time at ESE this semester. My first week of classes went OK. I'm not crazy about the courses on theory of management, but perhaps I'll learn to love it. Until I do, here's my impression of my notes:

I. Ideas
   a. thoughts
   b. concepts
       i. notions
       ii. theories
       iii. feelings
II. Words
   a. nouns
   b. verbs
III. Outlines
   a. letters
   b. numbers
       i. Roman numerals
       ii. upper-case I's
       iii. lower-case i's

Anyway, the point is: theory with respect to business is all a bunch of gobbledygook. In my humble opinion.

Just finished "Bel Canto." Next stop: opera!

1 comment:

  1. First paragraph reminds me of a joke I learned in Australia: "Yeah, we have some good drinking games here in Australia. Our favorite one? Drinking."

    Nice notes! My students would be proud. At least they're well-organized. Glad you liked Bel Canto, enjoy some opera.

    Oh, and I got a new "engagement calendar" (basically an appointment book where I write down what I have to do today, such as "Watch football" on Sunday) that has an Italy theme, great pics of Italy every few pages. See you guys in June.
