Thursday, May 23, 2013


For whatever reason, I enjoy depriving myself of certain things. Not because I'm a masochist., but because I like the challenge of going without something for a certain length of time. It makes me feel like I'm in control of my life, somehow. I remember watching Oprah, and some weird guy hadn't spoken in a year. It started as a bet, but he enjoyed it, and decided he'd go a full year without speaking. And he did it. I know what you're thinking: "Andy watches Oprah?!" I don't think I'll stop speaking anytime soon (although I generally think people talk too much). Here's a list of random things I've given up: 

Driving a car
Year: 2012
Length: 5 months
Reason for stopping: Flight canceled in SFO. Had to rent a car to drive to Oregon for the holidays. I mostly remembered how to do it. 

Monetary transactions
Year: 2006
Length: 1 week
Reason for stopping: Entrance to state park

Drinking alcohol
Year: 2009
Length: 6 weeks 
Reason for stopping: Ultimate frisbee tournament

Eating meat
Year: 2008-2009
Length: 9 months
Reason for stopping: Ultimate frisbee tournament

So, yeah, maybe I should lay off the ultimate. It's bad for my self'control. 

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