Friday, September 28, 2012

Questura + busy week = relaxing weekend

Today we went to the Italian immigration office. It's called the Questura and it's outside of Rome in a not-so-good neighborhood. There were all kinds of people there from all over the world. I've never experienced anything like it. We get to pick up our Italian equivalents of "green cards" in two months.

We had a fun week hanging out with my parents, brother and my brother's friend Brandon. We might be a little bored this weekend without them :).

Tomorrow we're headed to the Pope's summer home after Andy's tennis match. It's a small town on a lake south of Rome called Castel Gondolfo. We figure if it's good enough for the Pope, then it's good enough for us.

Here are a few random photos we've taken recently:

We're very proud of our desert! 
Here's a shot of the villa in the park near our house. 

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