Friday, August 31, 2012

Goodbye humidifier, hello Skype

I'm getting really good at lugging large objects around on public buses. Yesterday I returned the dehumidifier that I bought last week in an ill-conceived attempt to cool down the bedroom. Now we have 170 euros to spend at Media World! Kind of a nice problem to have. We could use some more appliances around the house.

It rained here again today, cooling things down even more. Caitlin finished off her first orientation week at school, and I'm being courted (pun!) as the new tennis coach at AOSR. I have no coaching experience, no backhand, no tennis shoes ... but they want me! All considered it might work out well: the season only lasts through October, and there are three tournaments: Napoli, outside Venice, and the European Championships in Germany. The only conflict is my darn MBA program that starts Sept. 24 and most likely will totally get in the way of practice. But of course, we'll see. Come Monday, I might be wearing white and feeding out of a hopper!

In other Vade news, we are successfully using Skype to its full potential. My username is andywade34; Caitlin's is cvallerga. Give us a ring!

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